Hi, I'm Xavier

Web Developer

Javascript - Ruby




HTML Semantic, Organic SEO, CSS Flexbox and Grid, Bootstrap5 and SASS.

Ruby on Rails

Rails and gems like : Hotwire, Devise, Pundit, Sidekiq, RSpec and Capybara.

JavaScript ES6

JavaScript Vanilla, VueJS, NuxtJS and libraries associated with Rails like Stimulus.


As a Rails developer, I mainly work with PostgreSQL, SQLite and Redis.

Recent Projects


Bootcamp Project

A 2-week project with the goal to allow investors to manage their portfolios from different market places like Binance or Kraken in one single app. Using APIs, TradingView and access to over 1800 coins.

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Cryptocurrencies Market

Online Portfolio

Personal Project

Online personal presentation with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. Optimisation with Lighthouse.

Personal portfolio screenshot


Bootcamp Project

A 1-week project with the intent to offer a rental site for luxury watches. Standard Rails CRUD application with Geolocation.

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Luxury Watches rental site
Profile picture

About me

Full Stack Web Developer

After a 10 years career as LiveOps manager for the french iGaming market leader, I decided to move to programming through web development. Following a Full-stack bootcamp at Le Wagon Bordeaux where I obtained my certification, I am now looking for a position as a full-stack developer. I'm product-oriented, customer centric, and eager to develop my skills with both Javascript (VueJS, NuxtJS, Express...) and Ruby on Rails. I have good soft skills, and speak a fluent English. Open to relocation.

French Resume
English Resume

Contact infos


FR: 06 26 09 19 66

US-UK: +33 6 26 09 19 66




Currently in Bordeaux, France